Are you looking for a quality constructor for your project?
Who We Are
Why Choose Us?
Quality Commitment
We let our quality work and commitment to customer satisfaction be our slogan.
Honest And Dependable
Our expert teams are selected specifically for each client, and they are highly trained, using ingenuity to solve problems creatively.
We Are Creative
As a leader in our industry, we have always worked to develop advanced technology and innovative methods.
We Are Always Improving
We strive to meet the needs of the world today without jeopardizing the needs of the world tomorrow.
Emabel Industrial Limited
Emabel is a dynamic, ‘proudly African’ company, was registered in 12th July, 1995and is managed by a dedicated team of multi-disciplined experienced managers with backgrounds in Civil Engineering and Construction Industry, Senior advisors and other specialists, who possess impeccable pedigree and expertise garnered over 25 years – across various countries.
We employ a ‘tightly connected’ network of globally skilled resources, providing expert solutions to diverse sectors.
From the head office in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, the company aims to offer a service where quality, efficiency and value are key fundamentals.
Our Services
Civil Engineering & Infrastructural Services
EMABEL’s civil engineering capabilities encompass a full range of services from due diligence to preparation of contract plans and specifications
Highway Design & Structural Engineering
EMABEL’s structural engineering capabilities encompass a full range of design services from analysis to preparation of construction drawings and specifications.
Geotechnical Engineering
EMABEL’s geotechnical engineering capabilities encompass a full range of services that include soil laboratory testing, subsurface investigation…
Our staff of licensed land surveyors and surveying technicians are fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and software…
Construction Inspection, Laboratory Services & Material Engineering
Emabel’s personnel can operate any accredited laboratory of international standards…
Project Management & Estimation/Planning
The company has years of practical experience in managing complex and diversified projects…
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