Project: Rehabilitation of Yola – Mararaba – Mubi – Michika Road Project and Construction of Kudzum Bridge. Main Contractor: Julius Berger Nigeria Plc Employer/Owner: Federal Ministry of Works Project Status: Completed. Scope of Work: The works consist of 101km length of road. It also involves the construction of one (1 No.) Bridge at Kudzum. The road was reconstructed to a 7.3m wide of Asphaltic Concrete dual Carriageway separated by reinforced concrete barriers with a 2.75m wide surface-dressed outer shoulders and 1.5m wide inner shoulders with provision of 150mm sub-base and 200mm crushed stone base, 50mm Asphaltic Wearing Course only. Other works include drainage structures, extension of existing culverts, kilometer posts, road signs and markings etc. |